Why Is My Treadmill Making a Knocking Noise?

Why Is My Treadmill Making a Knocking Noise?

If you’ve ever been mid-workout and had your treadmill make a loud, unfamiliar noise, you know it can be frustrating and even a little scary. But don’t worry, in most cases, the cause of the noise is benign and can be fixed easily. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the most common reasons for a noisy treadmill and what you can do to fix it.

What Is a Treadmill?

A treadmill is a type of exercise machine that allows users to walk or run while staying in one place. The belt on the machine moves automatically and can be adjusted to different speeds, allowing users to choose how fast they want to move. Treadmills also come with monitors that track your speed, distance, and calories burned during a workout session. [1]

Why Is My Treadmill Making a Knocking Noise?

There are a variety of reasons why your treadmill may be making a knocking noise. The most common cause is loose nuts and bolts that need to be tightened. You can usually hear the knocking noise when the machine is in use, or when you’re performing maintenance on it. Other causes include worn-out parts, such as an unbalanced motor pulley or belt, or loose bearings in the roller shafts. It’s important to identify and fix the source of the problem quickly to prevent any further damage to your treadmill. 

If your treadmill is making a knocking noise, start by examining all the nuts and bolts used in its construction. Make sure they are securely fastened to their respective components and none have come loose due to vibrations during exercise. You can use a wrench or screwdriver to tighten any loose nuts and bolts.

What Is a Treadmill?

Next, check the motor pulley and belt for signs of wear. If these parts are worn out, they may be making noise as they move against each other. Replace any damaged components as soon as possible to reduce noise levels and prevent further damage.

Finally, inspect the roller shafts for signs of wear or looseness. If you find any bearings that have become too loose, replace them immediately. This should help to reduce the knocking noise coming from your treadmill.

By following these simple steps, you should be able to identify and fix the source of your treadmill knocking noise in no time! [2]

Pros and Cons of a Treadmill

A treadmill is a great way to stay fit, but there can be downsides to owning one. With any product, it’s important to understand the pros and cons before taking the plunge.


  • Convenience: A major benefit of treadmills is their convenience. You don’t have to worry about finding time for a jog outside or going to the gym. Your treadmill will always be ready for you in your home;
  • No Weather Dependence: Another plus is that you don’t need good weather conditions in order to use it – no more canceling workouts due to rain or snow;
  • Full-Body Workout: Treadmills are not just for running; you can do various other exercises including walking, jogging, and sprinting. You can also customize the settings to give yourself a full-body workout;


  • Space Requirements: One of the biggest drawbacks is the space requirements – you need quite a bit of room for your treadmill unless you opt for a folding model;
  • Cost: Treadmills can be expensive, so if you’re on a tight budget it might not be an option. On the bright side, some models are cheaper than others and there may be deals or used treadmills available in your area;
  • Maintenance: It’s important to perform regular maintenance (such as calibrating speed and checking belt tension) in order to keep your treadmill running safely and smoothly. This can be time-consuming and may require extra effort from you;

In conclusion, treadmills have both advantages and disadvantages to consider before investing in one. If you’re looking for a convenient way to stay fit without leaving the house, a treadmill could be the perfect solution! Just make sure you know what to expect with regard to space requirements, cost, and maintenance. Hopefully, this article has provided some useful insight into the pros and cons of owning a treadmill. [3]

Pros and Cons of a Treadmill

What To Do When You Suspect A Bad Motor?

If you suspect the motor is bad, it may be best to consult a professional. A professional technician can help identify the issue and can offer solutions to fix the problem. They will inspect for loose parts, check for oil leaks or other signs of damage, test the motors, and more. In some cases, it might be necessary to replace components such as bearings or bushings as well. The technician may also suggest lubricating parts or cleaning out dust and debris that has built up over time. If it turns out that the motor itself is not functioning properly, they will most likely recommend replacing it with a new one.

Taking care of these issues promptly can save you time and money in avoiding further damage or costly repairs down the line! Otherwise, you may be left with a treadmill that isn’t safe to use. Taking the time to properly care for your machine can ensure that it will provide years of exercise and enjoyment. After all, an investment in health is an investment worth making! [4]

Replace The Motor Or Buy A Treadmill?

If the motor on your treadmill is making a knocking noise, it’s important to determine the root cause before deciding whether to replace the motor or purchase a new treadmill. If the issue with your motor is minor and can be fixed with parts that are easy to find, then replacing the motor may be your best option. Common causes of a knocking noise include belt misalignment, worn rollers, worn or frayed drive belts, loose components, or damaged flywheels or bearings. Replacing these components will usually restore your treadmill to its normal operation without having to buy a new one.

Why Your Treadmill Motor Might Be Broken

Time Has Played Its Part

When you first purchase your treadmill, the motor is running efficiently and without issue. Over time, however, regular use of the machine can lead to wear and tear on the motor. This means that components like bearings, belts, and pulleys may become worn out or loose due to overuse or time. Replacing these parts can help restore normal function.

Moisture Can Be a Culprit

If your treadmill has been exposed to moisture from condensation, sweat or rain it can cause serious damage to the internal workings of the machine including knocking noises coming from the motor. It’s important that you make sure your treadmill is stored in a place where it will not be exposed to moisture as this could reduce its lifespan significantly.

What To Do When You Suspect A Bad Motor?

Physical Damage

If you’ve been using your treadmill for a while, chances are it has taken a few knocks. If a treadmill is bumped or dropped too hard, the motor can become damaged and start making an unpleasant knocking sound. It’s important to be careful when handling and storing your treadmill to prevent any physical damage from occurring. If you’re hearing strange noises coming from your treadmill motor it may be time to have it checked out by a professional. With regular maintenance, you can ensure that your machine runs smoothly and without issue so that you can enjoy all the benefits of having a home gym!

The Motor Was Already Faulty

In some cases, the motor may already be faulty and not working correctly when you purchase your treadmill. This could mean that it is making strange noises or even not working at all. If your treadmill was purchased second-hand, then it’s important to recognize that there may be a problem with the motor before you buy it. [5]

How to Move a Treadmill?

If you decide to move your treadmill, it’s important that you do so carefully and with the right equipment. Make sure all parts are securely attached to the machine prior to movement in order to protect them from any knocks or bumps. If possible, have a friend help you carry the machine as this will make it much easier and less likely for parts of your treadmill to become damaged during transportation. It’s also a good idea to cover the motor when moving it as this helps keep dust and debris out of its components.

By taking these precautions you can ensure that your treadmill is moved safely and efficiently without causing any damage!

How to Use a Treadmill?

Using a treadmill to exercise is easy and you don’t have to be an expert to get started. Here are the basics when using a treadmill:

  1. Start by familiarizing yourself with the features of your treadmill. Most treadmills will have buttons or knobs that allow you to adjust the speed, incline, and other settings. Make sure you understand how they work before beginning your workout;
  2. Before starting to run or walk on the machine, make sure it’s set up properly for your body size and fitness level. Ensure that the belt is centered under your feet and that you feel comfortable with the speed and incline settings at which you’ll begin exercising. A good rule of thumb is to start slow and work your way up;
  3. As you begin exercising, pay attention to how your body feels and make adjustments if needed. If you experience any pain or discomfort, stop the machine immediately and adjust the settings accordingly. If a knocking noise emerges from the treadmill as it is in use, this may be due to a loose belt or faulty motor that needs to be repaired by a professional. Do not continue using the machine until it is inspected for potential issues and fixed if necessary;
  4. Finally, remember to cool down after completing your workout on the treadmill! Take a few minutes of walking at an easy pace before stopping completely so that your heart rate gradually returns to its normal levels [6];

How to Use a Treadmill?


How do you fix a knocking treadmill?

The first step in fixing a knocking treadmill is to identify the cause of the issue. Common reasons why a treadmill may be making a knocking sound include worn or defective parts, loose hardware, and/or improper belt tension. To fix the problem, you will need to properly inspect your machine:

  • First, check for any loose pieces of hardware such as screws, nuts, and bolts. Make sure that all components are securely fastened and that nothing is missing or damaged. If necessary, replace any worn or broken parts with new ones;
  • Next, you should inspect the drive belt for signs of wear and tear. Its tension should be tight enough so that it remains firmly on track when running but not too tight as this can cause excess noise. Make sure that the belt is in good condition and properly tensioned to reduce any knocking noise;
  • Finally, you should also inspect the running deck for signs of wear and tear. If there are any cracks or other damage, it can create a knocking sound when the treadmill is running. The running deck should be replaced if necessary to ensure proper performance and reduce noise levels;

How do you know if a treadmill is broken?

When a treadmill is broken, there are several signs to look out for. One of the most common and obvious signs is a knocking noise coming from your treadmill. This can occur when parts inside the motor become loose or worn down over time. Other possible causes include faulty wiring, damaged belts, and misaligned rollers or slats. If your treadmill does start making a knocking noise, you should immediately unplug it from power until you can assess the damage and make repairs.

Not all noises indicate that something is wrong with your machine though. Sometimes the sound of running on a treadmill may be similar to a dull knock but could actually just be normal operation sounds. If there’s no other indication that something is wrong with your treadmill, the noise may not require any action.

How do you know if a treadmill is broken?

How long should a treadmill run last?

The life expectancy of a treadmill varies depending on the model and how often it is used, but most treadmills should last at least five to seven years. However, in order to ensure your machine lasts as long as possible, it’s important to properly maintain it by regularly checking for signs of wear and tear and completing any necessary repairs or replacements. Additionally, make sure you are using the right lubricant and replace the belts when they start to show signs of wear. Regular maintenance will help extend the life of your treadmill and reduce the chances of hearing that dreaded knocking noise.

Does the treadmill burn belly fat?

It’s possible for a treadmill to help burn belly fat, but it’s not guaranteed. To lose body fat, you need to create an overall calorie deficit by burning more calories than you consume. Incorporating regular exercise with a balanced diet is the best way to achieve this. A treadmill can be used as part of your routine in order to increase your caloric expenditure and help you reach your weight-loss goals. In addition to cardio on the treadmill, it is important to incorporate strength training into your routine as well in order to build muscle and speed up metabolism.

Useful Video: Treadmill knocking noise


If your treadmill is making a knocking noise, it could be caused by several issues. If you cannot determine the cause of the sound, you may want to bring in a professional technician for further inspection and repairs. The most common causes of a knocking noise on a treadmill include loose bolts, worn belts or decks, bent axles, faulty motor control board, clogged or worn roller bearings, and inadequate lubrication. Taking care of these problems can help keep your machine running smoothly and without disturbing noises. With regular maintenance and inspections, you can make sure that your treadmill is functioning properly and safely to keep you healthy and active.

Another great way to diagnose any issue with your treadmill is to consult the user manual or contact customer service for advice. They may offer tips on how to troubleshoot the issue or provide instructions for maintenance and repair. In any case, it is essential to make sure that you are keeping your treadmill in top condition in order to enjoy safe and efficient workouts.

If you hear a knocking noise coming from your treadmill, don’t ignore it—it could be an indication of more serious problems that need attention. Taking care of any issues with your machine quickly can help protect your safety during exercise. By identifying the source of the sound and taking the proper steps, you can prolong the life of your treadmill and continue enjoying regular workouts without interruption.

Thank you for reading!


  1. https://www.masterclass.com/articles/types-of-treadmills-explained
  2. https://sportsandfitnessexchange.com/blogs/news/why-is-my-treadmill-making-a-knocking-noise
  3. https://www.thejoint.com/texas/houston/meyerland-28030/treadmill-running-the-pros-and-cons
  4. https://www.treadmillreviews.net/how-to-fix-common-treadmill-problems/
  5. https://treadmillexpressplus.com/how-to-tell-if-treadmill-motor-is-bad/
  6. https://www.wikihow.fitness/Use-a-Treadmill-For-Beginners