Michael B. Jordan Workout Routine

Michael B. Jordan Workout Routine

Have you ever wondered how your favorite Hollywood stars achieve those incredible physiques that leave us in awe? Well, if you’re looking to get fit and channel your inner Michael B. Jordan, then you’re in for a treat! This exclusive insider look will delve into the depths of Michael B. Jordan’s crazy workout routine that has been the secret behind his chiseled abs, bulging biceps, and overall killer physique. Get ready to take notes, because this article is about to reveal all the sweat, determination, and discipline that goes into achieving a body like the Hollywood heartthrob himself. Get your gym gear on and dive into the world of Michael B. Jordan’s fitness routine!

Who is Michael B. Jordan?

Michael B. Jordan is an American actor, producer, and philanthropist. He was born on February 9, 1987 in Santa Ana, California and grew up in Newark, New Jersey.

Jordan came from a humble background and his family struggled financially while he was growing up. His mother worked as a caterer and his father served in the military before becoming a Baptist pastor. Despite these challenges, Jordan credits his parents for instilling strong values of hard work and determination in him.

Jordan began his acting career at the age of 12 when he appeared in a Toys “R” Us commercial. He then went on to make guest appearances on popular TV shows such as The Sopranos and CSI: Crime Scene Investigation.

In 2002, Jordan landed his first major role in the critically acclaimed HBO series The Wire. He gained recognition for his portrayal of Wallace, a young drug dealer struggling with the life he has been forced into. This role would serve as a launching pad for his future acting career.

Who is Michael B. Jordan?

Over the years, Jordan has starred in numerous films and TV shows, earning praise from both critics and audiences alike. Some of his notable roles include Oscar Grant in Fruitvale Station, Adonis Creed in the Rocky spin-off films Creed and Creed II, and Killmonger in Marvel’s Black Panther.

Jordan is also known for being a social activist and using his platform to bring attention to important issues such as racial inequality and police brutality. He has also been involved in various charitable causes, including working with organizations that support underprivileged youth.

In addition to his successful acting career, Jordan is a producer through his production company Outlier Society Productions. He has also ventured into directing, making his directorial debut with the film Creed III set to be released in 2022.

Despite facing criticism and obstacles throughout his career due to Hollywood’s lack of diversity and representation, Jordan continues to pave the way for future generations of actors and filmmakers. He serves as an inspiration not only in the entertainment industry but also as a role model for using one’s platform for positive change. The hardworking and talented Michael B. Jordan has truly become a household name in the world of entertainment [1].

Michael B. Jordan’s Creed Diet Plan

Michael B. Jordan, the Hollywood actor known for his impressive physique and roles in movies such as Creed and Black Panther, has become a fitness icon for many. Fans have been eager to learn about the secret behind his sculpted body, and it turns out that his diet plays a crucial role.

As the saying goes, “abs are made in the kitchen”. While exercise is important for building muscle and maintaining overall health, nutrition is equally if not more important when it comes to achieving your fitness goals. This is because our bodies require specific nutrients to fuel our workouts and help us recover afterwards.

For Michael B. Jordan’s Creed diet plan, he focused on consuming whole foods that were high in protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates. This allowed him to fuel his intense training regimen while also keeping his body fat percentage low.

To get in shape for his role as Adonis Creed in the Rocky spin-off film, Michael B. Jordan followed a strict diet plan that consisted of five meals per day. Each meal was strategically planned to provide him with the right balance of macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, and fat) for optimal muscle growth and performance.

Michael B. Jordan’s

Here is an example of what a typical day of eating looked like for Michael B. Jordan during his training for Creed:

  • Breakfast: Egg white omelette with spinach, mushrooms, and avocado on whole grain toast
  • Mid-morning snack: Greek yogurt with berries and a handful of almonds
  • Lunch: Grilled chicken breast with brown rice and steamed vegetables
  • Afternoon snack: Protein shake made with almond milk, banana, and peanut butter
  • Dinner: Baked salmon with quinoa and roasted asparagus

As you can see, Michael B. Jordan’s diet plan focused on whole, nutrient-dense foods that were low in processed sugars and saturated fats. This allowed him to maintain a lean physique while also providing his body with the necessary fuel for intense workouts.

In addition to following a structured meal plan, Michael B. Jordan also incorporated cheat meals into his diet once or twice a week. This not only helped him satisfy any cravings he may have had but also prevented him from feeling deprived and potentially bingeing on unhealthy foods.

Overall, Michael B. Jordan’s Creed diet plan is a great example of how proper nutrition can aid in achieving a strong and fit physique. By focusing on whole, nutrient-dense foods and incorporating strategic cheat meals, he was able to fuel his body for optimal performance while also maintaining a lean and muscular physique. So if you’re looking to get in shape like Michael B. Jordan, be sure to prioritize your nutrition just as much as your workouts [2]!

Michael B. Jordan Workout Routine

Day One: Chest, Back, and Arms

  • Warm Up: 10 minutes of light cardio (jogging or cycling)
  • Bench Press: 4 sets, 12 reps
  • Incline Dumbbell Press: 3 sets, 12 reps
  • Cable Crossover: 3 sets, 15 reps
  • Bent Over Rows: 4 sets, 12 reps
  • Pull Ups: 3 sets, until failure
  • Seated Cable Rows: 3 sets, 15 reps
  • Bicep Curls: 4 sets, 12 reps
  • Tricep Pushdowns: 3 sets,15 reps

After a solid warm up to get the blood flowing and muscles warmed up, Michael begins his workout with a focus on his chest, back, and arms. He starts with the classic bench press, working his way up to 4 sets of 12 reps. This exercise is a great compound movement that targets multiple muscles in the chest and arms.

Next, Michael moves on to incline dumbbell presses to target the upper chest muscles. These are done for 3 sets of 12 reps. Following this, he does cable crossovers which help isolate each side of the chest individually for an even more effective workout.

Moving on to his back, Michael starts with bent over rows – another compound movement that targets multiple muscle groups including the back and biceps. He then completes pull ups until failure – pushing himself to do as many as he can in each set. To finish off his back, he does seated cable rows for 3 sets of 15 reps.

To round out the workout, Michael focuses on his arms with bicep curls and tricep pushdowns. Both exercises are done for 4 sets of 12 reps each. By incorporating these exercises into his routine, Michael is able to maintain a balanced overall physique.

Michael B. Jordan Workout Routine

Day Two: Biceps, Triceps, and Lats

  • Warm Up: 10 minutes of light cardio (jogging or cycling)
  • Hammer Curls: 4 sets, 12 reps
  • Preacher Curls: 3 sets, 15 reps
  • Skullcrushers: 4 sets, 12 reps
  • Overhead Tricep Extensions: 3 sets, 15 reps
  • Lat Pulldowns: 4 sets,12 reps

Day two of Michael’s workout routine focuses on his arms and lats. He begins with a warm up before moving on to hammer curls – an exercise that targets the biceps and forearms. This is followed by preacher curls which isolate the biceps even further for a more intense burn.

For tricep exercises, Michael starts with skullcrushers followed by overhead tricep extensions. Both of these exercises target the triceps, which are often overlooked in arm workouts. By incorporating them into his routine, Michael is able to achieve a more defined and balanced arm appearance.

To finish off the workout, Michael focuses on his lats with lat pulldowns – an exercise that targets the back muscles responsible for creating a V-shaped back. This helps give him a wider and more defined upper body.

Day Three: Legs + Abs Circuit

  • Warm Up: 10 minutes of light cardio (jogging or cycling)
  • Squats: 4 sets, 12 reps
  • Romanian Deadlifts: 3 sets, 15 reps
  • Leg Press: 3 sets, 15 reps
  • Hanging Leg Raises: 4 sets, until failure

The third day of Michael’s workout routine is dedicated to his legs and abs. He begins with a warm up before moving on to squats – an exercise that targets the entire lower body including the quads, hamstrings, and glutes.

Next, he moves on to Romanian deadlifts for a more isolated focus on the hamstrings followed by leg press for overall leg strength. To finish off his workout, Michael incorporates hanging leg raises for an intense ab workout.

Day Four: Chest, Arms, and Abs

  • Warm Up: 10 minutes of light cardio (jogging or cycling)
  • Incline Bench Press: 4 sets, 12 reps
  • Cable Flyes: 3 sets, 15 reps
  • Hammer Curls: 4 sets, 12 reps
  • Rope Tricep Pushdowns: 3 sets, 15 reps

Day four focuses on Michael’s chest, arms, and abs. He begins with a warm up before moving on to incline bench press for an intense upper chest workout. This is followed by cable flyes to target the chest muscles from a different angle.

For arm exercises, Michael does hammer curls and rope tricep pushdowns – focusing on both biceps and triceps for a well-rounded arm workout. To finish off his routine, he incorporates abs with rope tricep pushdowns.

Day Five: Legs + Shoulders

  • Warm Up: 10 minutes of light cardio (jogging or cycling)
  • Squats: 4 sets, 12 reps
  • Leg Curls: 3 sets, 15 reps
  • Military Press: 4 sets, 12 reps
  • Lateral Raises: 3 sets,15 reps

On the fifth day, Michael focuses on his legs and shoulders. He begins with a warm up before moving on to squats – an exercise that targets both the lower body and core muscles. This is followed by leg curls for isolated focus on the hamstrings.

For shoulder exercises, Michael does military press and lateral raises – targeting both the front and side deltoids for well-rounded shoulder development. By incorporating these exercises into his routine, Michael is able to achieve a more proportionate and defined upper body.

Michael B. Jordan Workout Routine

Day Six: Active Recovery

  • Yoga or Pilates
  • Light stretching

On day six, Michael takes a break from intense workouts and focuses on active recovery instead. He may choose to do yoga or pilates to help improve flexibility and mobility, as well as promote muscle recovery. Light stretching can also help prevent injury and improve overall physical performance.

Day Seven: Rest Day

It’s important to give your body time to rest and recover in order for muscles to repair and grow. On the seventh day, Michael takes a complete rest day to allow his body to recuperate and prepare for another week of challenging workouts ahead. Proper rest and recovery is crucial for achieving fitness goals and maintaining overall physical health.

By following this 7-day workout routine, Michael is able to maintain a well-rounded physique with consistent training that targets all major muscle groups. Remember to always listen to your body and adjust the intensity or exercises as needed. Keep pushing yourself and staying consistent, but also prioritize rest and recovery for optimal results [3].

How to do shoulders and chest workouts according to Michael B. Jordan workout routine?

For those looking to achieve a strong and defined upper body, incorporating shoulder and chest workouts into your routine is a must. And who better to take workout advice from than the chiseled bod of Michael B. Jordan? Known for his role as Adonis Creed in the Rocky film series and Killmonger in Black Panther, Jordan’s dedication to fitness is evident in his impressive physique.

Before you dive into the specific exercises, it’s important to note that consistency and proper form are key when it comes to achieving results. In addition, make sure to warm up before any workout session and cool down afterwards to prevent injury.

Shoulder Workouts

  1. Dumbbell Shoulder Press: Begin by sitting on a bench with your feet flat on the ground. Hold a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder height, with your palms facing forward. Push the weights up towards the ceiling and then lower them back down to starting position. Aim for 3 sets of 12-15 reps.
  2. Lateral Raises: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand by your sides. Keeping your arms straight, raise the weights out to your sides until they are parallel to the ground. Slowly lower them back down and repeat for 3 sets of 12-15 reps.
  3. Bent-Over Reverse Fly: Start by standing with your feet hip-width apart and knees slightly bent. Hold a dumbbell in each hand with palms facing inward towards each other. Lean forward at the waist, keeping your back straight. Raise the weights out to your sides until they are parallel to the ground, then lower them back down. Complete 3 sets of 12-15 reps.

Shoulder Workouts

Chest Workouts

  1. Push-Ups: Begin in a plank position with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Lower yourself down towards the ground, keeping your elbows close to your body. Push back up to starting position and repeat for 3 sets of 10-15 reps.
  2. Incline Dumbbell Bench Press: Sit on an incline bench with a dumbbell in each hand at chest level. Push the weights up towards the ceiling and then lower them back down until your elbows are at a 90-degree angle. Aim for 3 sets of 10-12 reps.
  3. Chest Dips: Using dip bars, grip the handles and lift yourself up until your arms are straight. Lower yourself down slowly, keeping your elbows close to your body. Push back up to starting position and repeat for 3 sets of 10-12 reps.

Incorporating these exercises into your routine, along with a healthy diet, can help you achieve the strong and defined shoulders and chest like Michael B. Jordan. Remember to always listen to your body and increase weight gradually to avoid injury. Keep pushing yourself and you’ll be on your way to an impressive upper body in no time! Happy lifting!


How many times a day does Michael B Jordan workout?

Michael B. Jordan is known for being in great shape and having an impressive physique. He takes his fitness and nutrition very seriously, so it’s no surprise that he works out multiple times a day to maintain his strength and stamina.

Jordan typically works out two to three times a day, depending on his schedule and training goals. He starts his mornings with a cardio session like running or boxing, followed by weight lifting in the afternoon. Later in the evening, he may do another cardio workout or focus on mobility and stretching exercises.

His workouts are usually intense and last around 90 minutes each session. He also maintains a strict diet to support his exercise regimen and achieve his desired results.

Why does Michael B Jordan work out multiple times a day?

Michael B. Jordan works out multiple times a day to maintain his impressive physique and overall health. He takes his fitness seriously and understands the importance of consistency in achieving results.

By working out multiple times a day, Jordan is able to target different muscle groups and vary the intensity of his workouts. This helps prevent plateauing and ensures that he is constantly challenging his body.

Additionally, having a strict workout schedule allows Jordan to prioritize his fitness despite his busy acting career. By breaking up his workouts into smaller sessions throughout the day, it also allows him to fit them in between filming or other commitments.

Overall, Jordan’s dedication to working out multiple times a day has helped him achieve his desired results and maintain a strong and healthy body. So, this approach has proven to be effective for him and is one of the reasons why he continues to do it. He also recognizes that consistency is key in maintaining his fitness and overall well-being.

Why does Michael B Jordan work

Does Michael B Jordan workout everyday?

While Michael B. Jordan is known for his dedication to fitness, he does not work out every single day. He believes in the importance of rest and recovery days for both physical and mental health.

Jordan typically works out six days a week, with one day dedicated to rest and recovery. On this day, he may do light stretching or mobility exercises, but otherwise focuses on allowing his body to recover from the previous workouts.

This approach allows Jordan to maintain a healthy balance between pushing himself physically and giving his body the necessary time to repair and rebuild muscles. It also helps prevent burnout and injury from overtraining.

However, it’s important to note that everyone’s workout routine may vary based on their individual goals and needs. What works for Michael B. Jordan may not necessarily work for someone else, so it’s important to listen to your body and consult with a professional before starting any new fitness regimen. Overall, consistency is key in maintaining fitness, but rest days are also crucial for optimal performance and health. So while Jordan may not workout every day, his dedication and hard work definitely show in the results he achieves.

Useful Video: Michael B. Jordan’s Workout For Creed (FULL PROGRAM!)

Conclusion Paragraph

So, Michael B. Jordan workouts are definitely not easy, but if you are willing to put in the effort and dedication, you can achieve a physique like his. Remember that consistency is key when it comes to working out and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It means staying committed to a routine and making healthy choices in your diet. Additionally, it is essential to listen to your body and not push yourself too hard, as that can lead to injuries. However, working out like Michael B. Jordan is not just about achieving a certain look; it also offers numerous health benefits. Regular exercise can improve cardiovascular health, boost the immune system, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. It can also have positive effects on mental health by reducing stress levels and improving mood.

  1. https://www.empireonline.com/people/michael-b-jordan/
  2. https://www.insider.com/michael-b-jordan-creed-3-workout-routine-diet-trainer-2023-1
  3. https://manofmany.com/lifestyle/fitness/michael-b-jordan-creed-diet-workout-routine